Macroscopic Access Resistances Hinders the Measurement of Ion-Exchange-Membrane Performances for Electrodialysis Processes
Timothée Derkenne, Annie Colin, Corentin Tregouet
Résumé :
Macroscopic Access Resistances Hinders the Measurement of Ion-Exchange-Membrane Performances for Electrodialysis Processes
Timothée Derkenne, Annie Colin, Corentin Tregouet
Résumé :
New membrane and electrode assembly concept to improve salinity energy harvesting, Youcef Brahmi and Annie Colin, Soft Matter, (2022) (…)
Mitigating the influence of multivalent ions on power density performance in a single-membrane capacitive reverse electrodialysis cell N Wu, M (…)
Equipe Matériaux Innovants pour l’Energie, membre du laboratoire CBI (Chimie Biologie Innovation)
Bâtiment G/E
ESPCI ParisTech
10 rue Vauquelin
75005 Paris
Directrice MIE : Pr. Annie Colin ()
Gestionnaire : Isabelle Borsenberger +33 (0)1 40 79 46 35
Assistante de gestion : Hélène Dodier +33 (0)1 40 79 46 35